Natural - organic and aromatic hand-made body cosmetics

Sea salt. Nail salt

For stimulation of nail growth

For stimulation of nail growth

Salt for stimulation of fingernail growth. Nettle and pepper extracts improve blood circulation in the growth zone of the nail plate and stimulate nail growth. Horsetails and oats strengthen nails. Citric acid and parsley whiten them giving smoothness and shine
For normal nails

For normal nails

Salt for normal nails. Salt with extracts of seaweed, chamomile, alfalfa and oats. It nourishes nails with minerals, vitamins and amino acids, promotes nails strengthening, prevents their peeling and brittleness, the appearing of burrs
For splitted nails

For splitted nails

Salt for peeling nails. Milk, extracts of seaweed and alfalfa nourish nails with minerals, vitamins and amino acids, promote fingertips strengthening. Oats, corn starch and plantain extract protect nails from further peeling
For dry and brittle nails

For dry and brittle nails

Salt for dry and brittle nails. Allantoin, natural betaine and aloe make nails more flexible, soften cuticles and prevent formation of burrs. Citric acid and karkade whiten nail giving them smoothness and shine.
For manicure

For manicure

Salt for manicure. Natural betaine and baking soda soften cuticles and skin around the nails, gently and carefully clean them. Lemon oil whitens nails giving them smoothness and shine. Australian tea tree oil has antiseptic properties.
For ridged nails

For ridged nails

Salt for damaged nails. Salt with allantoin, extracts of seaweed, alfalfa and pine buds nourish nails with minerals, vitamins and amino acids, promotes restoring of damaged structure of nails. Oats, horsetail, nettle and pine buds strengthen them and give them smoothness.
For strengthening soft and eggshell nails

For strengthening soft and eggshell nails

Salt for soft and thin nails strengthening. Calcium, phosphorus, silicon and iron present in salt, carrot, horsetail and nettle promote hardness of nail plate. Amino acids of alfalfa and seaweed improve the structure of keratin and strengthen nails.